Your future, our clutter

By I have questions - 21/05/2023 15:00

Today, my daughters announced they had big news. They had a whole presentation saying they wanted our entire family to go vegan. When I told them, as gently as I could, that that was never happening, they burst into tears, screaming, "The planet is burning! Meat is killing us all!" They're 11 and 9. FML
I agree, your life sucks 914
You deserved it 417

Same thing different taste

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So do like I did with my kids that wanted to go Vegan. My wife and I didn’t change, neither did other kids, but we did acknowledge the two who wanted to, and I actually learned to make Vegan dishes for them. I also encouraged them to learn how to make things they wanted as well. Today, they are 12 and 17, and both know how to make meals and the 17yr old even purchases stuff with his own money to contribute to the grocery bill. I didn’t invalidate their feelings and instead encouraged them to embrace what they wanted.

I sincerely doubt that they got to this level of militant veganism out of nowhere. Maybe see where they got it from before doing damage control.


wtafisgoah54 4

To quote a famous comedian: “cow flatulence is ruining the world, what are you doing about it?!?!?” ….. “I’m eatin’ the cows!”

I wonder where they learned everything in their presentation? I blame video games.

reetuuw 3

wtf? why not just regular videos?

I love Video Games. That is the common scapegoat in the blame game.

Maybe start monitoring what they are watching on the internet 🤦‍♂️

Or maybe they have friends that they hear things from. Not everyone is influenced by the internet.

I sincerely doubt that they got to this level of militant veganism out of nowhere. Maybe see where they got it from before doing damage control.

tiptoppc 19

You should see the propaganda PETA handed out at my schools back in elementary and junior high schools. This was mid to late 90’s. Jeebus, that stuff scares the hell out of kids. PETA should just be classified as a terrorist organisation. There are other organisations which picked up the torch in ideology PETA was founded on, except the mental ward isn’t in charge, unlike PETA.

Nah, microplastics and nuclear war will kill us first.

So do like I did with my kids that wanted to go Vegan. My wife and I didn’t change, neither did other kids, but we did acknowledge the two who wanted to, and I actually learned to make Vegan dishes for them. I also encouraged them to learn how to make things they wanted as well. Today, they are 12 and 17, and both know how to make meals and the 17yr old even purchases stuff with his own money to contribute to the grocery bill. I didn’t invalidate their feelings and instead encouraged them to embrace what they wanted.

cpguru24 15

Schools are lying to children now. It not just meat. Many young people literally think humans will die out from global warming. That's not what even the worst possible scientific scenario says. Their teachers are teaching them to be activists instead of doing good. They think it is better to force others to do what you want instead of you doing what is right first. There are even some classes that require students to participate in a protests. This is what you get.