Armchair psychologist

By Mom - 27/11/2023 07:30

Today, I spent yet another lunch venting to my best friend about how much I hate my teenage son's girlfriend, thinking he should be with someone less outspoken. Apparently she got tired of listening because she eventually snapped, "Oh for god's sake, just admit you want to fuck your son already!" and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 91
You deserved it 1 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SylvarLorali 4

that says alot about you, and the fact that you're probably a monster in-law. Your son isn't dating his girlfriend to make you happy, he is dating her because she makes HIM happy. Deal with it and learn to get along, or don't and lose your son.

Riiiight, because no girl will ever love him like you do. She's probably "outspoken" because she knows what you're about.


SylvarLorali 4

that says alot about you, and the fact that you're probably a monster in-law. Your son isn't dating his girlfriend to make you happy, he is dating her because she makes HIM happy. Deal with it and learn to get along, or don't and lose your son.

Riiiight, because no girl will ever love him like you do. She's probably "outspoken" because she knows what you're about.