Black balled

By Don't complain about good fortune - 20/02/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, my wife somehow found out that my "surprise bonus" from earlier this year was actually hush money from my boss to keep quiet about her affair. Rather than let a good thing alone, she threw a fit and called my boss's husband. Now I'm jobless, and my boss has sworn I'll never work in my industry again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 673
You deserved it 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel like this is missing something. If you blackmailed your boss, then I could see your wife trying to 'teach you a lesson'--although that's a really big problem--but otherwise, why would she go break up a stranger's marriage and put you out of work? This is not something you should just let go here. You and your wife need to get some kind of mediation and talk this out, because there's some real problems here, even if it's just that you're willing to blackmail people and your wife isn't.


I feel like this is missing something. If you blackmailed your boss, then I could see your wife trying to 'teach you a lesson'--although that's a really big problem--but otherwise, why would she go break up a stranger's marriage and put you out of work? This is not something you should just let go here. You and your wife need to get some kind of mediation and talk this out, because there's some real problems here, even if it's just that you're willing to blackmail people and your wife isn't.

ElizibethRose 4

How the hell did she find out if you were actually keeping your mouth shut?