
By hate this job - 09/06/2021 19:59

Today, a 300 lb woman caused a huge scene at the public pool where I work. She accused me of fatshaming and swore to sue me for discrimination. I asked her to cover up, as her 3x too small string bikini went against the pool’s dress code. I don’t make the rules, I just have to enforce them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 188
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bold of you to assume her weight though, but yeah I can see how that situation could be uncomfortable to have.

It seems to me op was giving a rough visual estimate to paint a picture for the reader, as well as to connect the story to the woman’s complaint.


Bold of you to assume her weight though, but yeah I can see how that situation could be uncomfortable to have.

referring to her as "a 300 pound woman" leads me to believe that you did fatshame her -- and you've done it again here; your entire point could've been made by simply stating that her bikini was too small & didn't meet the pool's dress code

It seems to me op was giving a rough visual estimate to paint a picture for the reader, as well as to connect the story to the woman’s complaint.

Right. Would saying "a 6ft woman" be offensive too? You're not shaming anyone for having acumen and it sounds like the chick really was overweight given her reaction.

you can't choose how people react to you, but you choose how to react to people. try and brush it off, why should she matter.

would you have complained about a thin woman in a string bikini? If not, then I think she was right.

He literally explained that it's his job