Funny how?

By WTF, Mom?? - 13/10/2023 03:00 - United States - Collegeville

Today, one of my coworkers decided it'd be funny to tell our boss that I made creepy comments about his teenage daughter. The worst part is that the aforementioned lying coworker is my mother. I wish I was joking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 807
You deserved it 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you have any other job prospects, this might be the time to hit them up. I don't know what in the fresh heck your mother was trying to accomplish with that but either way it was a targeted attack and it's better to find somewhere without a coworker's active sabotage.

Not funny. Your mother telling your boss you were making creepy comments about HER child on the other hand could be hilarious.


Not funny. Your mother telling your boss you were making creepy comments about HER child on the other hand could be hilarious.

If you have any other job prospects, this might be the time to hit them up. I don't know what in the fresh heck your mother was trying to accomplish with that but either way it was a targeted attack and it's better to find somewhere without a coworker's active sabotage.

The only logical course of action is to start dating his daughter. Make sure you are familiar with your local "age of consent" laws, so you know what you'll need to create plausible deniability. This'll take everyone by surprise.

It all depends on if OP actually made creepy or inappropriate comments about Boss’s daughter. If he did, then I’ve no sympathy. If Mom just made up the whole thing “for fun” then that’s pretty terrible. OP, either way you need to find a new job.