Golden rule

By Gilgamuch - 05/12/2023 20:00 - Australia

Today, I forgot the golden rule when having windows open on your computer: always check which one you are typing in before hitting Enter to send. Me detailing my plan to fake a doctor's appointment for an extra day off to who I thought was my girlfriend means I now have to explain my miraculous recovery to my boss tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52
You deserved it 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or, hear me out. 1) not lie about needing time off. .... in any case don't use email when you could use your personal phone to text to your girlfriend I stead of work email........ Just a thought.


Or, hear me out. 1) not lie about needing time off. .... in any case don't use email when you could use your personal phone to text to your girlfriend I stead of work email........ Just a thought.