Lick that corporate boot!

By leteeatinpeace - 18/04/2023 23:00 - United States

Today, one of my super obnoxious coworkers tried to snitch on me and record me for “being lazy” on the clock. I was sitting in my car, while eating trail mix ON MY BREAK. FML
I agree, your life sucks 879
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even though they are full of shit, it might be time to contact HR due to coworker harrassment. ******* creep.

ODBeefalo 10

HR right away. this sort of thing can very quickly turn into a back and forth "he said, she said". get it on record that your co-worker has pulled some shit just in case it happens again. you want evidence that will discredit them if they keep trying this sort of thing on you or even someone else.


Even though they are full of shit, it might be time to contact HR due to coworker harrassment. ******* creep.

ODBeefalo 10

HR right away. this sort of thing can very quickly turn into a back and forth "he said, she said". get it on record that your co-worker has pulled some shit just in case it happens again. you want evidence that will discredit them if they keep trying this sort of thing on you or even someone else.