Long day

By Tom - 26/04/2017 18:00

Today, I got the bus to work instead of walking so I could be there faster. However, I accidentally got on the wrong bus which let me off a mile and a half away from my workplace. Then, after another half-hour of trying to walk there, I found that it wasn't even open that day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 705
You deserved it 1 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meh45 8

Since you're already out and about, spend your day doing something fun.

It clearly says he didn't even know his place of work was closed that day


Meh45 8

Since you're already out and about, spend your day doing something fun.

vaibhav1180 16

I know for a fact if I don't have to go in my ass is staying away from the place. YDI

It clearly says he didn't even know his place of work was closed that day

might be just me but... half an hour to walk only 1.5 miles? next time check your bus op, shit happens I guess

awildwhisper 30

A mile for the average person takes 15 min.

awildwhisper 30

"The people that normally walk very briskly might normally walk 4mph, which would get you a 15 minute mile, but faster than that is going to be uncommon, unless they walk fast for exercise"

awildwhisper 30

This is where the old button "This Could've Happened To Me" would've come in handy.

how did you not know your office will be closed?

Hey at least you weren't late for work!

I'm confused about your seemingly endless reserves of incompetence

Well, on the plus side, at least you weren't late!

Flyingpizza10 2

At least you weren't late ;)