Mr Motivator

By Anonymous - 09/03/2024 14:00 - Yemen - Sanaa

Today, I found that my medical school has lost its WFME (World Federation for Medical Education) accreditation and my certificate (that I should be obtaining in two years) will be worthless. To pour salt into the wound, I have finals next week and it's hard to stay motivated after this kind of news. FML
I agree, your life sucks 544
You deserved it 66

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there has to be some kind of advocate to help you keep your credits and transfer schools with them. and get your money back if you've totally lost those credits. also, talk to a lawyer asap.


there has to be some kind of advocate to help you keep your credits and transfer schools with them. and get your money back if you've totally lost those credits. also, talk to a lawyer asap.