
By letthemcomelivewithmeyouselfishtwat! - 14/02/2023 01:00 - United States

Today, I confronted my sister for teaching her kids “extreme independence”. It’s really just code for doing the absolute bare minimum required by law to keep them out of foster care so she can spend every waking moment with her new boyfriend. If I cut her out, I’ll never see my nephews again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 838
You deserved it 84

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See if your area would count this as emotional neglect or parentification maybe? That’s awful. Hopefully your nephews know they can come to you if they ever run into trouble.

Don't wait for CPS to show up. Hang around with your nephews any chance you get. This way, they will run to you before they run into serious trouble.


See if your area would count this as emotional neglect or parentification maybe? That’s awful. Hopefully your nephews know they can come to you if they ever run into trouble.

Don't wait for CPS to show up. Hang around with your nephews any chance you get. This way, they will run to you before they run into serious trouble.

Sorry, your sister is an asshat. A woman picking a penis above her children is about the lowest and nastiest there is. Be there for your nephews. They definitely need you. Sometimes not living with a parent is much better for the kid especially when some man comes before them.