Sharing is caring

By perfect timing - 06/06/2023 00:02

Today, after a very long, nasty custody battle with his ex, my boyfriend’s kids were finally scheduled to spend the night at our house. Today is also the day my daughter came home with a note from school about the massive lice outbreak on campus. Yup she has it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 772
You deserved it 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bonding activity for the day; everybody shaves someone else's head, including Mom and Dad.

An elementary school is still considered a campus… That term isn’t reserved just for universities.


On campus? So she is old enough to spend a night in a hotel (and to understand the reason for this)?

An elementary school is still considered a campus… That term isn’t reserved just for universities.

Bonding activity for the day; everybody shaves someone else's head, including Mom and Dad.