The enforcer

By Anonymous - 13/09/2023 16:00

Today my auntie who helps run a HOA sent me out on a quick errand to deliver some fines. Now I know why she didn’t want to go herself. Several fines were for one guy, one very large angry guy, who let his dog trap me in the garden while he yelled at me for 5 whole minutes until I cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 707
You deserved it 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doing an errand for your Aunt is one thing - Her using you to deliver fines is quite beyond what is reasonable. OP, don’t let Aunt use you like that again… HOA and their boards are a tricky subject. Some HOA’s are “condo Nazis” like one I had to deal with who are simply power-mad. But HOA’s also can and do serve the majority of the residents to keep the neighborhood appearance and ultimately the value of the homes there. Before moving into an HOA property, know what the rules are and if you aren’t willing to follow those rules don’t move there - It will save everyone aggravation.

You deserve it, you ******* HOA thug! A gang of unaccountable bastards who enforce rules arbitrarily. You should disown your auntie for being in such a disgusting group of fascists.


You deserve it, you ******* HOA thug! A gang of unaccountable bastards who enforce rules arbitrarily. You should disown your auntie for being in such a disgusting group of fascists.

We don't often get to praise bailiffs, who do a very dangerous job while making sure everybody is informed of the charges against them, and deliver mail better than any postal service. And they are nice people too! A bailiff is what your aunt needs.

Doing an errand for your Aunt is one thing - Her using you to deliver fines is quite beyond what is reasonable. OP, don’t let Aunt use you like that again… HOA and their boards are a tricky subject. Some HOA’s are “condo Nazis” like one I had to deal with who are simply power-mad. But HOA’s also can and do serve the majority of the residents to keep the neighborhood appearance and ultimately the value of the homes there. Before moving into an HOA property, know what the rules are and if you aren’t willing to follow those rules don’t move there - It will save everyone aggravation.

HOAs are by and for assholes. They should have all their "power" stripped by legislation.

I hate HOAs... they're the stupidest thing ever. "Oh, you own this house? That's great - now let me tell you how it has to look and what you can and can't do on your own property." I wouldn't have done that for anyone.