By unicorn_skies - 18/01/2014 08:33 - United States - Yorba Linda

Today, I bought a new, expensive dress for a date. I left the tag on and hidden in hopes of returning it later. Someone saw it and ripped it off for me to "save me from embarrassment." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 594
You deserved it 57 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that's not the other person's fault and really, if you were intending to return it, you shouldn't have bought it in the first place.

I think your saviour did a poor job of keeping you from being embarrassed.


i feel sorry for you. no stranger should ever do that to anyone's clothes. for the people that said ydi, how did she deserve it? so a celebrity can wear a dress or suit that was borrowed for an event and return the next day is considered acceptable but when an average person does it, its bad? how backwards has society gone?

Because the designer knows the celebrity is borrowing the dress, considering the designer usually gives it to the celebrity. The celebrity says, "I am wearing so and so", the designer gets free advertisement. OP bought an expensive dress to try to impress a date. If her date is shallow enough to judge her on the price/ brand of clothing, then she totally deserves it. I think you have "backwards society" backwards.

Designers lend celebrities the clothes so that they can be seen and discovered. What this woman did is NOT the same. She definitely deserves to be stuck with the dress.

When you buy something, wear it, and return it, it's completely different to a designer lending a celebrity an outfit for an event; the biggest difference being that you're BUYING it. Working for a catalogue/online clothing company, I see "too small" leggings that come back stretched beyond recognition, and dresses that have clearly been worn for a night out based on the pit stains and overall smell, and the customer just says "oh, I tried it on and it didn't suit me. I want my money back." If they throw enough of a fit when their refund is refused, we have to give them one in order to keep them as a customer. A lot of money is lost because of people returning clothing that is in no condition to be resold.

OP didn't say it was a "stranger," she said "someone." For all we know it was a sister or friend who was sick of her selfish, scamming ways.

ashsaunde 13

#65 is right. The employees KNOW when idiot customers do that. It's always extremely obvious and I think it is stealing. YDI all the way.

Invest in one of those machines that puts the tag back on. Or you can just tell the store it came off while trying it on.

perdix 29

Saved you from committing fraud. I knew a dressmaker. Assholes like you make it tough to stay in business.

word. everyone else has to pay, why shouldn't OP?

OP, you are the kind of person retailers hate if you think returning used clothing is ok.

JMichael 25

Well so much for returning it.

If you can't afford it you don't need it...

Dayum, **** this shit. Be more careful next time.

Save the tag with the receipt and put it somewhere.

If you knew you were going to return it, you shouldn't have bought it. You don't even need to spend loads of money to look nice- there are plenty of places that do really nice clothes that actually aren't too expensive. If your date was the kind of person worth dating, he wouldn't have cared about how expensive your clothes are anyway.

times are tough, but self respect is no excuse to cheapen out