By kimos - 10/05/2009 14:10 - Canada

Today, I poured myself some punch into a mug I have sitting on a shelf at my studio. Upon tipping it upside down to swallow the last few delicious drops, I see a cluster of mouse droppings stuck to the bottom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 139
You deserved it 21 686

kimos tells us more.

Yup. This was stupid on my part. It was at my ceramics studio where we apparently now have mice. It's a brown mug that I keep in my work area. I should have thought to clean it before I drank but I didn't. Gross.

Top comments

That's careless to the nth degree. Were you staring elsewhere while pouring the punch? I normally look AT the cup/mug I'm pouring a drink into, to make sure nothing spills. Also, you need to set up a date with the exterminator.


That's careless to the nth degree. Were you staring elsewhere while pouring the punch? I normally look AT the cup/mug I'm pouring a drink into, to make sure nothing spills. Also, you need to set up a date with the exterminator.

FunWriter20 0

That is nasty. You might get a disease or something.

Gross! Do you not wash your cups? YDI for not at least looking in the cup before you poured your drink..

boomBOOMshake 0

Disgusting. I'm sorry for you.

dino_witha_cape 0

you could've discovered the secret ingredient to delicious punch. congradulations.

thatsbull95 0

Who drinks punch from mugs anyway??

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... I always flush cups with water before using them. YDI for not having scrutinized the bottom.

Look before you pour, and, wash your dishes.