By me - 08/06/2012 14:00 - United States - Carthage

Today, I was taking a shower. My mom thinks it's ok to just walk in on someone when they are in there so she decides to take a crap. The worst part is she thought it would be less awkward to talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 474
You deserved it 2 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

swishaa218 5

My parents do that all the time... We have a clear glass door, too.


Androidz 0

I think I would just start crying. If that ever happened to me I might throw soap at her

Something like this happened to me, I was showering at a friends house and her uncle came in and peed...sooo awkward, the door didn't lock.

olpally 32

I hope you stay away from that friend's house... Lol, eeek :/

182- don't know wherher to thumb up or thumb down your comment..

perdix 29

Well, if she just shat there in silence, that would just be rude. If the OP is a dude, I hope the mom wasn't making ... small talk.

superguy101 0

Then it would've been less awkward.

My entire family do this, I dont even live there anymore but when I come to visit, its like I never left! Ahh privacy!

Ashley1722 3

Well that's a shitty situation....

TheFamilyElf 17

I was surprised this comment didn't show up sooner. Hmm.

Who among us doesn't wax philosophical while taking a dump? Pay attention, OP, you could learn something.

sweetmama88 6

My mother does that to me always , best way to talk to. You , that way you can't escape from her !

Unbweavable 17

You should walk in on her with some of your friends & ask her a load of random questions

Thats a horrible idea his friends his poor poor friends