By epicfail - 28/05/2011 06:45 - United States

Today, my boyfriend convinced me to sneak out. As I was climbing out of my 3rd floor window, he got a text and moved the ladder. Now I'm in the hospital with two broken ribs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 587
You deserved it 37 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

footballfreak65 6

I dont know whether to laugh or feel bad for you honestly


in my opinion you deserve it for sneaking out, even if you hadn't fell you'd be on here tomorrow talking about how you got grounded for sneaking out.

i dont think anyone deserves broken ribs,, but OP did deserve punishment.

shaniecerb 0

i dont think she deserves it but thats what she gets for sneaking out..parents have rules for a reason

CmarieMC23 3

hope u broke up with his ass

MrSexyPants 14

That gives a new meaning to "break free"

LexxyLiime 0

What a jerk. Who does that? /: Some "boyfriend" you have.

butterflyz1961 2

Never listen to your boyfriends, because they are idiots.

EffinToofer 3

Yeah you do, for sneaking out. For every action, there is an equal or greater reaction.

Wait until everyone is asleep and use a door like everyone else. Oh BTW, you are so busted!

sourgirl101 28

Call, you sound like an expert! I agree. And if you get caught just say you were checking the mail or getting something out of the car.(:

who checks the mail in the wee hours of the morning?

sourgirl101 28

Good point. Ummm let me think. Someone that needs to mail out a bill/letter and doesn't want to forget to send it out ASAP. Don't forget to put the red flag up.(:

mommyhearts2boys 0

I always told my parents that I was outside looking at the stars it works

Bellacanfixit 2

Your boyfriend is an idiot, I hope you heal well OP!

#22, Similar to the law of Alchemy. ;) And YDI OP.