By anashaalmajiid - 05/03/2009 23:26 - United States

Today, my dad and a construction worker were having a long talk. I heard the door slam, and assumed that this worker had left. So I yelled out "Hey dad what were you talking about? Did you talk slowly so the idiot could understand?" Turns out my dad was the one who had walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 879
You deserved it 68 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you don't call random people an idiot, idiot.

You really deserved it. What do you gain in assuming that construction workers are stupid?


That's why you don't call random people an idiot, idiot.

you know what happens when you assume? you make an ASS out of U and ME

Yeah but they didn't make an ass out of u but congrats you just done it to yourself

62 do you not get it? assume "ASS out of U and ME" ASS+U+ME= assume. was that slow enough for the idiot?

Chocolate_Chunk 2

Just that it does make no sense because you assume hundred times every day. You assume, for example, that the computer in front of you won't suddenly explode. so shut the **** up.

You dumbass, that worker should kick your ass

Shouldn't be yelling things like that out, my dear.

You really deserved it. What do you gain in assuming that construction workers are stupid?

missdarcy_fml 0

That is why you don't assume....

bluebob13 10

Yeah because when you assume, it makes an ASS out of U and ME

Ha ha unlucky but you deserved that one.

SilverMyst787 0

Where do you get off saying something like that about someone? Bully. You deserved that.

_Elizabeth_ 0

Well, that's why you should make sure that the person you are addressing is actually in the room. And not the person you are calling an idiot. Be a bit more careful with what you say...

Emika_fml 0

"Today, the rich prick whose house I just finished remodeling tried to scam his way out of paying me, and then walked away in a tiff when I demanded my money. Then his stuck-up bastard kid called me an idiot. FML."

lifeluvinchica 0

you completely deserved that. that was a really childish thing to say. hopefully it taught you a lesson