By Anonymous - 04/01/2016 15:14 - United States - Dalton

Today, this beautiful girl that I've known for a long time told me that she just can't date me anymore because I remind her too much of her cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 417
You deserved it 1 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments meow? O.o did you ask why she thought that?

Comments meow? O.o did you ask why she thought that?

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If you have to explain the joke then it's a shitty joke

If you have to explain the joke then it's a shitty joke

I'm sure some people need a 2nd time before they get it

I only posted it once "mate". FML does that sometimes

Guess its time to start acting like a dog. Juust kidding. That is odd and I dont see why being a human version of a cat is a bad thing but oh well.

You've never had a cat shove their butthole in your face for affection I take it....

Imhere4fml 24

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Railroader 16

Perhaps you are a lazy pussy that feels entitled to everything...nah.

Just explain you can be superheroes together. Cat woman and cat man.

FryingPanHero 11

You truly are the cat's meow!

...did she ever scratch you behind the ear? Do you enjoy long naps and tuna? :3