True hero

By MentalHealthWorker - 17/09/2020 02:05

Today, I once again had to clean up a shower and bathroom covered in feces, because of client with incontinence. It smelt so bad that I couldn’t hide my reaction; the client saw my face and I could see the embarrassment on theirs. I spent the rest of the day feeling like an asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 548
You deserved it 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you are a hero! We all get grossed out sometimes, but you powered through!

That's irony -- you feel like an asshole to someone who can't control theirs.


I think you are a hero! We all get grossed out sometimes, but you powered through!

That's irony -- you feel like an asshole to someone who can't control theirs.

Taylor Caldwell 10

Maybe consider a career change? Doesn’t sound like you have the level of empathy required for your current position.

Oh, OK, I didn't realize empathy meant oriole had to like gross material and smells. Good to know. Also, pretty sure people without empathy don't feel like an asshole after someone gets embarrassed because of their reaction