
By Anonymous - 10/05/2022 14:00

Today, I met my coworker's kids during a cookout. I joked to her eldest son that he was awfully short for a seventeen-year-old. He responded, "Well, you're awfully ugly for the town slut." Everyone laughed, including my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 329
You deserved it 2 060

Same thing different taste

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The moral of the story: don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.

Why would you say such a thing? You deserve it for height-shaming the poor kid! In a world where people get canceled for racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc, discrimination against short men is somehow still socially acceptable. And then little Vlad Putin comes along and makes things worse for the otter sawed-off shrimps.


The moral of the story: don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.

Why would you say such a thing? You deserve it for height-shaming the poor kid! In a world where people get canceled for racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc, discrimination against short men is somehow still socially acceptable. And then little Vlad Putin comes along and makes things worse for the otter sawed-off shrimps.

As an adult, you know better than to say something like that. YDI

lastjedi 3

really an adult bullying a child? glad he had a great retort. maybe next time keep it zipped? learned a lesson i hope.

You well deserved that. You didn't know him like that to be making jokes about something he's probably already being bullied about in school. Adult bullying a kid. Shame. Kudos to him for standing up to himself

While I agree for the most part, calling her a **** was a little far for a comeback to a short joke.

If everyone laughed rather than looking shocked he clearly read the audience better than she did.

wrenavery90 12

Wow. I can't believe you'd comment on a kids height. It's probably something he's really self conscious about.

Don't diss on children period. You deserved everything you got including the chuckles cause you got powned

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Grumpy Jack 26

17 y.o. ? Still can grow up a little. Not cool calling you a **** but you still deserve it !