By Fattymuch - 14/09/2011 14:27 - India

Today, I was online looking up ways to lose weight, get thinner and be healthier, all the while eating a slab of brownie that was half the size of my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 965
You deserved it 51 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omnomnom don't fight it, brownies are amazing.

candicurl 9

Looks like that diet * puts on sunglasses* will have to weight. YEAAAAAHHHHHHH


bcan 3

You can't lose weight while eating that way

Bitch be lyin'! Thanks for the heads up Alan, I was about to start that diet!

fthislyfe 22

It depends on the person. Genetics play a big role here. Also, the amount of fat cells each person has, depends on how he/she was fed when they were born and a few weeks after. Also, what their mothers ate when they were pregnant is very important. Thyroid gland is also very important. There are a lot of factors. Not just eating...

arielleemariee 0

However, more often than not, your weight is controlled by how much fat you shove in your mouth.

Omnomnom don't fight it, brownies are amazing.

SemperFi_23 6

Weed brownies are even more amazing!! :D

Wow I thought the Marines were better than that...

Or maybe just need to stop being an ignorant **** and realize a little weed isn't so bad?

I think you will easily find ways to lose weight, even without the internet.

leadman1989 15

What she should do is stick the brownies on a stick and then have someone tie that to her forehead. Boom hit by a car after chasing the brownies into traffic.

fthislyfe 22

23: was that supposed to be funny? Should I laugh?

leadman1989 15

I make my comments for me. If you didn't like it guess I'll go and try to find a **** to give.

oh boy looks like u waited a while to use that stupid "joke."

fthislyfe 22

74: Speak you mind, but please try and be respectful.

leadman1989 15

I never cursed you out. If you find cursing immoral or offensive in general you might be talking to the wrong guy.

I didn't laugh either 45. He's a moron..

i_love_grrr 0

Ha ha fatty! Just stop eating! :D

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Lol i say the same if u want to be healthy dont look up on the internet just stop eating crap

Sunny_Eclipse 6

6- I hope your bloody comment is thumbed down so much that it is buried out of existence. You lack a soul.

tylersign 11

65- Don't diss on us hipsters, douchebag.

Shit, I don't blame you. I'd probably be a fatass too.

candicurl 9

Looks like that diet * puts on sunglasses* will have to weight. YEAAAAAHHHHHHH

leadman1989 15

Wait didn't you already have the sunglasses on from a previous comment? I'm starting to think there aren't any sunglasses at all YOU'RE A PHONY!!

xXT9Xx 0

Damnit candicurl!! You and your sunglasses piss me off!!!

candicurl 9

That's the wonderful thing about sunglasses! You can take them on and off :D

leadman1989 15

Really? *takes off sunglass I've had on for last 15yrs MY EYES!!! they burn... I think I'll just keep mine on. :p

sk1ml1fe 0

Try Oxy Elite Pro they work really well you won't have any hunger if u take them and curves your hunger majorly

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Or you can just eat less calorie dense and more filling foods. Then you can literally eat till you're about to throw up and won't gain a pound.

sk1ml1fe 0

Actaully u will gain a lbs if u do that.

shrdlu 28

Why stop at that point? Why not take it one step further, into bulemia?