Am I the asshole?

By Anon - 22/05/2023 22:00

Today, I fucked up when I answered a phone call. I wasn't sure who the number was at first, and it turned out to be my ex girlfriend who had apparently been stalking me. She asked me how my new girlfriend was, and as I answered it in front of my girlfriend, she's now depressed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 654
You deserved it 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Problem: Answering any unknown number. However, the answer to that question is ALWAYS that current GF is worlds better than anyone you have EVER dated and you are the happiest you have ever been. The person (next time) may not be your ex but a plant by your current GF. To the outside world your relationship is GREAT. Then, if that is not the case you discuss the not so good parts with your GF in private.

Who's depressed? Your current girlfriend or your ex-girlfriend? I can't tell, but I know who is certainly depressed: your English teacher!


Problem: Answering any unknown number. However, the answer to that question is ALWAYS that current GF is worlds better than anyone you have EVER dated and you are the happiest you have ever been. The person (next time) may not be your ex but a plant by your current GF. To the outside world your relationship is GREAT. Then, if that is not the case you discuss the not so good parts with your GF in private.

Who's depressed? Your current girlfriend or your ex-girlfriend? I can't tell, but I know who is certainly depressed: your English teacher!

Why would you tell your ex-gf about how your new gf is? I would advice your current gf to dump you, right away! YDI. Honestly, I don't think I have read a more stupid fml, ever.