
By EzcemaQueen - 30/08/2023 14:00

Today, I found out why all my packages have been systematically disappearing. My husband throws them out because he’s “sick of my selfish online shopping spree habits.” That would be more understandable if I had actually been online shopping, and not ordering my special eczema toiletries and medications. FML
I agree, your life sucks 844
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. That's abuse 2. Going straight to throwing packages away instead of talking to you about your supposed "habit" is a weird move 3. Throwing out the packages rather than trying to return the contents for a refund is a weird move

Lawyer up right now, because I can't see this getting any better. He threw out medication you needed for a horrifically painful and serious condition! Who does that?!


So, he doesn't respect your stuff, and even more importantly he doesn't care about your medication – otherwise he would have notice you lack of your toiletry. I'm not usually recommend that, but get a divorce, you're not safe with him.

1. That's abuse 2. Going straight to throwing packages away instead of talking to you about your supposed "habit" is a weird move 3. Throwing out the packages rather than trying to return the contents for a refund is a weird move

This behaviour sounds more like a need for control/want to inflict pain, rather than anything else. That definitely is abusive behaviour. I hope OP recognizes this and decides to have divorce papers mailed to the house (and takes off just before they arrive).

Lawyer up right now, because I can't see this getting any better. He threw out medication you needed for a horrifically painful and serious condition! Who does that?!

Of course I don't know you but I get a impression that something else maybe going on. My guess is that you have some kind of a shopping addiction that's causing serious problems in your relationship and he finally got sick of it and threw some stuff out but in this case some of it happened to be important. If that's the case this is the classic boy who cried Wolf story type of situation. You buy so much stuff that's not important that he doesn't believe that that one package is going to be important. Of course I'm making gas based on various assumptions but my assumptions are not any worse than the other commenters. They're assuming you're not lying but that's based on nothing and I'm assuming you are lying or not self-aware but it's also based on pretty much nothing. All I'm saying is look inward and figure out if you really are buying too much garbage and causing distrust in your relationship. You probably are but this doesn't have to destroy your relationship. You can get better. I used to be a hoarder and got worse and worse but now my house is quite tidy and organized and I don't have too much stuff anymore. It was really hard. It took a lot of self-reflection and a lot of getting rid of stuff. I was extremely uncomfortable for a long time while I was doing it but now my life is far better and my relationships are far better. I wasn't buying junk online I was just acquiring parts here and there for various projects that I thought I would do someday and didn't realize that someday would never come. Sorry if it sounded super offensive at first. Just seems like every time somebody has a problem with their boyfriend or husband there's a bunch of posters here that tell people to physically assault them or get a divorce and there are a lot more options.