Don't blame the dog!

By Anonymous - 22/04/2023 10:00

Today, I realized that it's not just the dog who's cockblocking me and not letting me get close. my girlfriend, whom I live with, rejects practically every advance. Of course, during her shark week, at least I get an excuse. I average once a month if I'm lucky. FML
I agree, your life sucks 825
You deserved it 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Physical compatibility is a big part of relationships. If you and your girlfriend don’t match there and it’s important to you, I don’t think this is gonna work.

Headlock912 2

I was in a similar position with my ex. She broke things off, and I’m realising more and more every day that we weren’t suited for each other


Oi mate! That’s my girlfriend you’re talking about there!

Headlock912 2

I was in a similar position with my ex. She broke things off, and I’m realising more and more every day that we weren’t suited for each other

Physical compatibility is a big part of relationships. If you and your girlfriend don’t match there and it’s important to you, I don’t think this is gonna work.

XRP123 11

Run away. It will never get better. I married that same girl. Sexless marriage ending in divorce and very very expensive. Not to mention the emotional cost. You know what to do. An unpleasant conversation but you might as well have it sooner than later.

Down voting you for Shark week which is kinda funny but also really mean. If my partner said that I wouldn't feel like having sex with him either