Healthcare in the US is ****** up

By Anonymous - 22/08/2021 04:01

Today, I was out with friends when one of them started complaining about having to spend $50 on two copays for his therapist. He makes more a week than I do in three, and I can't even get seen by any type of healthcare professional because nowhere is accepting new patients. FML
I agree, your life sucks 714
You deserved it 83

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The therapists are all in a conspiracy to prevent you from getting treatment for your paranoia. See how that works?

It sucks that you can't get in to see anyone but that has nothing to do with your friend. also wealthy or not no one likes to overpay, getting ripped off sucks. sure he can survive paying the extra, but that doesn't mean he's happy about it. also some friendly advice, upward social comparison is a slippery sloap, and tends to lead to feeling of unhappiness, and lack of fulfilment. try making a journal where you write some things you're thankful for, or make a lost of 4-5 things a day.


The therapists are all in a conspiracy to prevent you from getting treatment for your paranoia. See how that works?

It sucks that you can't get in to see anyone but that has nothing to do with your friend. also wealthy or not no one likes to overpay, getting ripped off sucks. sure he can survive paying the extra, but that doesn't mean he's happy about it. also some friendly advice, upward social comparison is a slippery sloap, and tends to lead to feeling of unhappiness, and lack of fulfilment. try making a journal where you write some things you're thankful for, or make a lost of 4-5 things a day.

ask for a referral. I would assume most doctors leave open spaces in the schedule in case of a patient needing more time for complications etc. maybe they will slide you in a few times and even refer you to a less busy specialist.