
By Anonymous - 29/04/2024 13:00 - United States

Today, I was asked to pick up something from my parents' house, only to be greeted with the horrid surprise that my elderly dad has taken to wearing women's pantyhose and garters. He claims it's for his knees, but that doesn't explain the boner I had to see peeking out of his panties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 286
You deserved it 93

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wadlaen 23

Maybe he gets excited by having knees that feels good..?

tiptoppc 19

Don’t be such a prude. It isn’t hurting anyone if he does that. But if you came in unannounced, you deserved it for violating their privacy. Either way, what he’s doing doesn’t do any harm to society and he’s enjoying himself in a way that is, rather quite healthy, at least sexually. I can’t think anyone has an fml in this post excerpt him for someone coming in unexpectedly and finding him in an embarrassing situation. He’s old, he can live a little, even if it’s Christmas and he’s walking around in women’s underwear.


Wadlaen 23

Maybe he gets excited by having knees that feels good..?

tiptoppc 19

Don’t be such a prude. It isn’t hurting anyone if he does that. But if you came in unannounced, you deserved it for violating their privacy. Either way, what he’s doing doesn’t do any harm to society and he’s enjoying himself in a way that is, rather quite healthy, at least sexually. I can’t think anyone has an fml in this post excerpt him for someone coming in unexpectedly and finding him in an embarrassing situation. He’s old, he can live a little, even if it’s Christmas and he’s walking around in women’s underwear.