One more reason to quit

By SowhatshouldIdo - 16/05/2017 05:00 - Turkey - Istanbul

Today, I handed in my resignation letter after over three and a half years working at the company. My manager is angry with me, since we returned from an overseas business trip yesterday, and why didn't I inform her before the trip. She now wants me to pay all costs of trip before leaving the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 017
You deserved it 1 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just refuse. What are they going to do, fire you?

Do not! And keep an eye on your paystubs! If she even tried to deduct it, go straight to the labor board. You were doing your job!


Do not! And keep an eye on your paystubs! If she even tried to deduct it, go straight to the labor board. You were doing your job!

Just refuse. What are they going to do, fire you?

I see this one is from Turkey. Tell your boss to "Get Stuffed" and she can just gobble your giblets.

Druu 53

What should you do?Your timing is suspect, and handing in your resignation the day immediately following an overseas trip will not help portray you favorably in the case of a dispute. Questionable judgement aside, you can ignore it and force her hand. Like the commenters above me note, docking your pay is cause to report her to your labor board. Because we've only heard your side of the story, we are unable to objectively assess the situation. Keep us updated.

That is retaliation. That could only be legal if you signed a contract for employment.

Dick move aside, there's legally nothing your manager can do about it.

Would it have killed you to have waited about a week after the trip before handing the letter in? I mean I understand why your boss is floored, and while they don't have the right to penalize you...what you did was not exactly polite. But hey, that's just my two cents.

Maybe they have a start date in two weeks at another company and had to turn in their letter of resignation on that certain date?

Hahahahaha, that's not how business trips work, sweetie.

Talis99 26

I'm actually on her side. You had to have planned this.

it doesnt matter, it was not a vacation, it was a business trip, the timing of her quitting has nothing to do with the issue.

Spooly 2

What did you expect? That's pretty crappy of you.