Splatter analysis

By Anonymous - 14/04/2024 08:00 - United States - Pataskala

Today, after I wore a pad last night, I woke up this morning, took off my underwear to use the bathroom, and a huge period glob flew hit the rug and splattered everywhere. The globs got on every piece if clothing I wore. I then had to clean what looked like a crime scene. FML
I agree, your life sucks 503
You deserved it 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you have carpet in your bathroom? If you do, why?

Underscore_foo 4

^ they literally said a rug. I have one too so I don’t slip when I step out of the shower because my feet are wet


Do you have carpet in your bathroom? If you do, why?

Underscore_foo 4

^ they literally said a rug. I have one too so I don’t slip when I step out of the shower because my feet are wet

Ouch... My eyes are bleeding... What did I just read...

L0life29 6

some things should not be ****** shared….Jesus Christ!🤦🏻‍♂️

Um...... why wouldn't you sit on the toilet and then pull your underwear down? Why remove it completely before sitting down? That way the glob would either land in the toilet or on a new pad once you pull your pants back up. I've never had this issue.