The grey zone

By Anonymous - 26/06/2022 18:00

Today, man do I feel old. For the first time ever, a teen thug with more acne spots than brain cells told me to, “Piss off grandad.” Grandad? Guess I look older than I feel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 763
You deserved it 89

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you think he's so stupid, what do you care about his estimation of your age? Now, if a fine, upstanding young person offers to help you cross the street, you've got problems.

I promise you that your use of the phrase "teen thug" and casual ableism says much more about your age than whatever your face does.


If you think he's so stupid, what do you care about his estimation of your age? Now, if a fine, upstanding young person offers to help you cross the street, you've got problems.

I promise you that your use of the phrase "teen thug" and casual ableism says much more about your age than whatever your face does.