Time for a change

By Lilly - 22/12/2023 00:00 - United States

Today, my boyfriend is sulking and throwing things around. Apparently, the “love of his life” Demi Lovato got engaged. When I told him he’s overreacting over a celebrity and that I should be the love of his life, he punched a hole in the wall, screamed at me, and stormed out of the house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 740
You deserved it 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take advantage of his absence and so one of two things. Either get a locksmith to change the locks and leave his stuff outside or pack your own bags and get the hell out of there. If you had any doubts before this, you need to end this shit show of a relationship while you're still able to. Good luck.

Pretty certain that should be 'ex-boyfriend'.


Take advantage of his absence and so one of two things. Either get a locksmith to change the locks and leave his stuff outside or pack your own bags and get the hell out of there. If you had any doubts before this, you need to end this shit show of a relationship while you're still able to. Good luck.

If it's safe to do so, take photos of the damage, then get the **** out of there. Stay somewhere safe, with family or friends. Call the police to press charges and get a restraining order. Do *not* stay with him, it will get worse from here. Get a lawyer to put the house in your name so he has to move out.

DirtySalamander 9

where are you getting all these info about a house and pressing charges on what?

009bouris 5

has he seen her lately she’s nothing to obsess over

how old is he that he's obsessing over a celebrity? he obviously doesn't have a chance with her. get him a check up from the neck up.

Pretty certain that should be 'ex-boyfriend'.

DirtySalamander 9

well, you already know what to do. have the courage.

MistressAfrodite 5

you mean ex boyfriend. right. right. lol. there there *pat pat* it’ll be okay.