By raven_of_azarath - 29/07/2019 02:00

Today, I found a spider in my car the size of my hand. Help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 786
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its ok you never really liked that car anyways. Incinerate that car along with that eight legger...

Live up to your user name! Either kill it, or set it free.


Its ok you never really liked that car anyways. Incinerate that car along with that eight legger...

Live up to your user name! Either kill it, or set it free.

You’re on your own, kid. I suggest ditching the car, buying a plane ticket, leaving the country, and changing your name. You know, just to be safe. Otherwise, good luck sleeping anytime soon

Mathalamus 24

It's just a spider...get it out of the car.... if I saw that spider, I'd attempt to keep it.

colderthanyou 15

Well, it’s time to set the car on fire.

but did you LOSE a spider the size of your hand in your car? as long as you can find him, you’re good!

I actually did lose it too. I freaked, cuz spiders are one of my worst fears, and ran inside to call my dad. He left work to come help me, but by the time he got there, it was gone. I found it months later dead in spare tire compartment.

please tell me you have very, very small hands.

Well, at least he can give you a hand and call for help for you! Jeez!