By Anonymous - 12/03/2010 17:24 - United States

Today, I found out that after reuniting with an old boyfriend, getting close with his two year old son, and moving closer to him to properly be a part of their lives, he got back together with his ex wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 392
You deserved it 6 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that does suck, but if you care for his kid then just think that its better for the kid that his parents are together. And didn't you kind of see it coming? How long were they apart for?


That sucks. Hopefully you find somebody better.

ouchthatsux 0

make him a sandwich and he'll change his mind. if it's a girl, make her make YOU a sandwich :D

Bugatti_Veyron 1

great! Now one can be in the kitchen, the the other in bed! your lucky boyfriend...

Ajjas013 6

well she loves this man and he got back with him ex-wife after all she did to try and get close to him

Ajjas013 6

There's nothing wrong with that.

oh shut the **** up u stupid ignorant nerd

Diannaa 0

Wow... Sorry to hear that... FYL

Don't feed the troll. OP: FYL, that would be terrible :

Ajjas013 6

I think this happened to him :( Poor baby :P Of course I realize there's something wrong with that. You take things too seriously :)

Well that does suck, but if you care for his kid then just think that its better for the kid that his parents are together. And didn't you kind of see it coming? How long were they apart for?

reggie77 0
nessalujin 0

That really sucks, and I wish you the best of luck but really like someone above me said didn't you see it coming?

xoconnie 8

put on some clothes, *****. who u trying to impress over the internet. lol ohh boyyyyyy. what would ur mommy say! :/

Tamara2011 0

Why would you go back to the same person again? your fault stay away from him if it didn't work the first time.. duh!

Agreed... unless it was your 2yr old son why even try to get close...YDI

xoconnie 8

she obviously still likes him buddy. ^^^