By the bleeder - 13/05/2016 05:05

Today, I met with a student in office hours to discuss an assignment when my nose started bleeding. I didn't know at first, so I blew my nose and an inhuman amount of blood sprayed out the side of the tissue all over my desk, the wall, and the student's paper. It looked like a murder scene. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 336
You deserved it 1 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The student is supposed to put there blood sweat and tears into there work, not you

Yikes! I'm sure your student will understand. Just make sure to clean up the area very well. Blood is a biohazard!


Yikes! I'm sure your student will understand. Just make sure to clean up the area very well. Blood is a biohazard!

I've heard of bleeding all over a paper, but you really took it to the next level!

What a bloody situation ...sorry i had to

did someone threaten you if you didn't?

TigranPet 24

How does that even make sense?

PePziNL 20

What a bloody aweful comment m8

The student is supposed to put there blood sweat and tears into there work, not you

MamaChey 24

Thank you Captain Grammar. That's the best response you could come up with?

That's the only response that's needed

You need to put some blood, sweat, and tears into your grammar.

You have redefined the phrase "blood work"

Mathalamus 24

they all look like a horrific murder scene. :P

Please tell me that you teach PSY 300 and that you left the blood on the desk and wall to study the student's reactions when they come in with questions.

Nose bleeding - now that's a novel excuse after getting caught in the act. What was your motive for killing the student?

Just say you were decorating for friday the 13th lol. But on a serious note that sucks hope the cleaning up wasnt too difficult