By wrecked - 09/06/2014 21:03 - United States

Today, I ran into my girlfriend by chance while out shopping. She looked different than usual. Maybe it was the wedding ring she was wearing, or how she had her arm around another gentleman, gee, I don't know. That's two years of my life wasted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 353
You deserved it 5 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be happy you don't have to deal with such trash anymore. Sorry though, OP. You should have let the man know what trash she is too!

let the man know you were her boyfriend hopefully he dumps her and you dump her then she doesn't have anyone


purple_kitty21 4

**** cheating bitches!! All I gotta say

I know how you feel. Something similar happened to me.

Hope you outed her in front of her husband!!

Ironically enough, be glad that wasn't a ring YOU gave her. FYL OP.

You should have said. "But you told me that I was the father", and walked away.

ostfaiz 18

ppl can give u lot of suggestions n to-do things, but what exactly u might hv felt only u n god can define...the mixed low feeling of love,hate,agony,betray,care,time... etc etc etc ... Flashback! :)