Why would you do that?

By Daughter of the devil - 16/05/2024 07:00 - United States - Anaheim

Today, right before the most important final of my education, I got a text from my mom saying my house had burned to the ground, and my children were outside waiting for the firemen. I panicked, left school, and sped home… all for her to laugh and tell me it was “just a joke.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 797
You deserved it 80

Top comments

That’s a fascinating way for a person to decide they don’t want a relationship with their child or grandchildren.

Even if she didn't know you were about to take that final, it's still a horrible joke to make. If she did know then she's deliberately sabotaging your education, good way to end up in a retirement home imo.


Even if she didn't know you were about to take that final, it's still a horrible joke to make. If she did know then she's deliberately sabotaging your education, good way to end up in a retirement home imo.

That’s a fascinating way for a person to decide they don’t want a relationship with their child or grandchildren.

Wadlaen 23

I'm terribly sorry for your experience OP! I'd be furious, and I'd sit down with my mother and have a serious conversation with her about what's acceptable and decent behavior and what isn't.

tiptoppc 19

I would get a lawyer and demand compensation for that. I’m pretty sure they broke a law in that. Like yelling “Fire!” In a crowded theater. Anytime physical or financial loss results from pranks, the pranker IS liable for causing panic. Then get a ******* restraining order and serve their ass with a no-contact warrant.

Sounds like sabotage of your test and not a “joke”… Unless you’re living with Mom in her home, drop her like a hot potato.