You or the both of you?

By Anonymous - 03/10/2023 17:02 - United States

Today, I celebrated my friend's 5-month sobriety milestone with her by getting absolutely wasted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117
You deserved it 1 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

headlock95 3

You’re a shit friend 🤦🏻‍♂️

Christina Winden 22

Seriously? Way to support your friend. You basically threw it in her face that she can’t drink anymore lest she slip back into her addiction, and you probably triggered her in the process of getting wasted. Think before you act next time, a drinking problem is no easy feat to overcome. You could have had a nice evening with her and celebrated without booze but no. You chose to act like a jerk and pretty much only thought about yourself and what you wanted. FHL


headlock95 3

You’re a shit friend 🤦🏻‍♂️

mechgineer 3

I hope you were unaware of what you were celebrating until it was too late

Christina Winden 22

Seriously? Way to support your friend. You basically threw it in her face that she can’t drink anymore lest she slip back into her addiction, and you probably triggered her in the process of getting wasted. Think before you act next time, a drinking problem is no easy feat to overcome. You could have had a nice evening with her and celebrated without booze but no. You chose to act like a jerk and pretty much only thought about yourself and what you wanted. FHL

You ever think maybe you’re a bad influence?