By lalalalalala - 17/03/2011 16:56 - United States

Today, I was excited to have a window seat on my three hour flight to New York. When I got to my row, I noticed the screaming newborn occupying the seat in front of me, and a pair of toddlers behind me. I then looked to my seat to find I have no window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 800
You deserved it 3 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Iknoweverything 29

You know those shades over the windows? I've always wondered why they had to be up during takeoff and landing. It's not like the pilot plans on parallel parking and asking the passengers "how close am I?" Sorry for randomness, but I didn't feel like bitching.

TayonaC 10

right? just like the sound of noisy police cars and gun shots outside my house... it puts me right to sleep


CactusSeed 1

At least it wasn't a transcontinental flight.

sourgirl101 28

Ooh baby, baby, la, la, la, la, la, la, la *After reading the OP's name and talks about babies, I now have "Pitbull Ft. T-Pain- Hey Baby (drop it to the floor)" song stuck in my head.(:

thank god my 10 month old does great on flights

my2centsworth 15

Your flight would have been miserable even with a window seat.

big deal....they're babies, ur not! suck it up!

I ALWAYS carry my noise concealing BOSE headphones with me for annoying children, and snoring people, you should do the same thing next time!

Suck it up, asshole. Try being a parent traveling with an infant. You get the evil eye from everyone. I watched a female executive damn near hyperventilate at the gate because she was going to be on the same flight as us. Thankfully, my daughter loves to fly and doesn't scream at all.

duckie227 22

it was just three hours. deal with it. I have work shifts longer than that daily.

where were you sitting? the cargo hold?

needsagf14 12