Birthday Girl

By Anonymous - 14/05/2009 17:43 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. I got just three calls all day. The first one was my fiancé, saying he wanted his ring back. The second one was my best friend, confessing to me that she had been sleeping with my fiancé for the past three months. The third was the dentist's office, to sing me a happy birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 413 741
You deserved it 21 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xyzstephzyx 0

best friend...? Yeah, right. punch her in the mouth, that *****. happy birthday!

Aetius_fml 0

At least you have a cool dentist


Happy birthday :( Your life is truly f*cked though but at least you got a nice dentist.

LiveLoveLife_fml 0

HaPpY bIrThDaY!!!!!!! (: Ditch the bitch :p lol so NOT worth ur time! Throw the ring at him... then slam the door in his face... (If there is a door there at the time... ;) lol and at least someone cares right? More although for the money you give em... but a happy birthday wish is a happy birthday wish right?

JN226 0

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! FYL though. That sucks. Damn... You deserve better

I agree with #7 & #8, I hope the rest of your birthday isn't as bad.... o yeah, Happy Birthday!

Talk about the worst day ever... :( but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! hopefully you will find someone more worth your time, and a new best friend. What a bunch of.... i don't even know what. Words cannot describe the hate I have for them.

happy birthday!!! and ouch.... but i agree with everyone else on here.. do not give the ring back!!! and slap that backstabbing bitch silly!!!!

mandadanyele 0

Yeah seriously screw that bitch. That isn't a friend. Be gratful you found out. And as everyone else said, don't give the ring back. Happy Birthday!!!