Carless whisper

By Anonymous - 05/11/2018 05:00

Today, I got into a car accident and totaled my car. Also today, someone bought themselves $600 worth of office furniture online with my bank info. My bank doesn’t believe me so they won’t help me get the money back. I'm broke and carless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 254
You deserved it 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

I’d contact the bank President. Going above the branc manager always gets their attention.

tr3yr 13

Um who do you bank with op? If you have proof then there is no way they could not help you get your money back. Also, glad you’re okay. May things get better for you quickly!


Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

I’d contact the bank President. Going above the branc manager always gets their attention.

PenguinPal3017 19

I can't imagine the bank not believing you. What kind of crazy person would lie about this?

tr3yr 13

Um who do you bank with op? If you have proof then there is no way they could not help you get your money back. Also, glad you’re okay. May things get better for you quickly!

ViviMage 38

Any way to prove the purchase didn't go to your house/work? Anyway to contact the bank card they used to do a chargeback (assuming it was not paid as an ETF with the routing and account number). Open a fraud case and close down that bank account or ask for a new number!

With good office furniture, you’ll be able to earn tons of money quickly and get a great car lickety-split!

wysegirl 24

File a police report for the furniture issue to get it investigated and then the bank will help you.

Err your bank is trying to scam you, you need to report them and file charges.

K but that's not how consumer law works. Honestly YDI for being so passive and accepting their answer

ImminentDisaster 12

Is it possible to find out the delivery address? Maybe you’ll find the culprit or at least be able to have the furniture returned. Or if it hasn’t been delivered yet could you cancel the order?

tounces7 27

Your bank doesn't "believe" you? This sounds a bit bogus, a bank is required to investigate no matter what. And they can easily reverse the charges to get the money back. And who buys office furniture with stolen CC info?