'Cause I'm a Criminal

By Anonymous - 05/03/2017 14:00

Today, I woke up to find both of my bank accounts frozen. My bank informed me that the IRS had ordered a freeze on my assets because of back taxes owed, and would not unfreeze them until the money is paid. The amount? $2.47. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 185
You deserved it 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is it they expect people to pay when they freeze all their assets??

...and how do they expect you to pay the money is you don't have access TO your money?


They are cracking down this year. Good for them.

Mathalamus 24

When people do not understand your sarcasm, you die a little inside.

Well sarcasm doesn't actually have a font to show that you're being sarcastic

When people do not understand your sarcasm, you die a little inside.

Eashy 16

you really can't see sarcasm over a message.

How is it they expect people to pay when they freeze all their assets??

They garnish it and remove it themselves.

And sometimes if you're really lucky, they make excuses as to why they can take more than what you owe.

Its government, it doesn't have to make sense

I hope they didn't freeze your piggy bank since that's the only way to pay that whopping sum.

...and how do they expect you to pay the money is you don't have access TO your money?

ydi a bit though, you still didn't pay tax. still sucks a lot though

The IRS audited me once. They sent me letters for weeks before telling me they would freeze my account if I did not tell them. Either the letters got sent to the wrong address or they were ignored.

Batman_1872 20

that's like us saying you deserve to get kicked in the teeth for being a prick

Not considering the amount for a moment, why the hell haven't you already paid?

young_stud 14

I hear the IRS are cracking down on lagging taxpayers.

If it's only 3 bucks, shouldn't you just be able to pay it off in cash and get your assets back?

Kaalschneid 21

Justice & Logic via the United States government? Accurate, checks out, enjoy your FYL.

You guys do realize that the IRS has tolerances for this kind of thing that they don't reveal to the public and someone made this up just to get published, right?

*gasp* Do tell. For real though, do they forgive all debts below $5 or something?

They didn't forgive my $5 debt. They literally told me I had to pay $5 or they would take my whole check. I ended up paying almost $15 because I had to pay $10 just to send them the money.