Check this out!

By exposed - 15/03/2010 06:35 - United States

Today, I woke up late for a very important presentation. I got dressed but forgot to wear a bra. During the presentation, I bent down to adjust a shoe strap. I rose to find that the thin straps of my blouse snapped and exposed my breasts. I gave a great presentation and a titty show. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 753
You deserved it 35 691

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Great? You just gave the greatest presentation your company has ever seen.

AquaSky 1

This one just doesn't sound plausible. But if it's legit, YDI for wearing a flimsy blouse in a professional environment.


you "rose" .... You should learn English before you learn how to get dressed in the morning.

bliingblurr 0

how the hell do u 'forget' a bra? :/ u must be pretty flat to just 'forget' that case, at least there wasn't much for ur coworkers to see:)

chloeginger 0

So instead of running back inside to put on a bra (which would not have been possible if you hadn't noticed until you arrived at work, but that seems rather unlikely) you chose to continue on your way to work knowing that you had major potential for embarassment? that seems odd to me. if I left for school bra-less, I don't think I would just carry on with my day, hoping that no one would notice. so I hate to say it, but you deserve it, OP.

goodrichj2 0

if you're giving a really inportant presentation... why are you fixing your shoe? Shouldn't you be presenting something important.... and not you're boobs.. forgetting your bra isn't the problem here.. it's the fact that you wear loose shirts anyway... even if you had a bra on.. they still would have seen something. wear shirts that fit. ydi.

tyler9467 0

YDI for A. not wearing a bra and B. wearing a blouse to a presentation that inappropriate strap width.

gorgeousmami33 0

what ever. how do u forget something like that. you probably wanted the attention.

I can understand forgetting panties but a BRA? You must have no **** or only wear training bras.

I'm sorry but there is no way you can just "forget" a bra. YDI.