Check this out!

By exposed - 15/03/2010 06:35 - United States

Today, I woke up late for a very important presentation. I got dressed but forgot to wear a bra. During the presentation, I bent down to adjust a shoe strap. I rose to find that the thin straps of my blouse snapped and exposed my breasts. I gave a great presentation and a titty show. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 753
You deserved it 35 691

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Great? You just gave the greatest presentation your company has ever seen.

AquaSky 1

This one just doesn't sound plausible. But if it's legit, YDI for wearing a flimsy blouse in a professional environment.


Fminetoo 0

Kinda makes you remince when you stripped to pay your way through college doesn't it?

Ahaha haha, the strippers tell me that all the time. Then I say "Quick! What is 20 x 20?" Talk about a deer in the headlights look. Those are the ones you can take home.

How do you 'forget' to wear a bra? Either you are stupid or you have really small **** and don't need one.

OP, YDI!!!! How can you forget your bra??? (unless you have really small boobs :/) If I don't have a bra on, I feel it immediately - esp. when I walk, so that being said, I assume you were walking really fast, because you woke up late, etc. - you definitely would have felt it. AND your wore an ill-fitting blouse. Seems fake to me.

I'm wondering how you forgot to wear a bra, as well. Unless wearing one is a new thing for you, it should be like second nature to put one on in the process of getting ready.

Agreed ^^^^^ what kind of girl forgets her bra??

Personally I think bras should be banned, set those puppies free!

purplemnm 9

haha then you get the older ladies who's **** dangle a bit out of the bottom of their muumuu

I strongly feel all presentations should end in a free titty show. Well, that was until Tim from IT decided to swing his moobs around the room...*shudders*

Aww why you gotta be hatin' on the IT dept? We are awesome in our own minds!

Giorgio272 2

reading this fml has awakened a might tiger beneath my fly. good show. now for singing "pascal trailor park stars so bright to hid the dark all is quiet in the yard"

perdix 29

If the A/C was turned up real high, perhaps you showed them your PowerPoints? The same thing happened at my company, but sadly it is an all-male staff. Having a co-worker who wears blouses with thin straps was awkward enough, but having to stare at his manboobs was traumatic. He should have never forgotten his Bro/Man-siere.

There is so much YDI in this FML, I'm not even sure where to begin...