Dressed for success

By bitchsawmebuyit - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Yorktown Heights

Today, I realized the dress I bought yesterday still had the security tag on. I returned to the store to get it removed, only to realize I'd lost my receipt. The lady at the counter thought I stole it, called security, and had me escorted out, dress-less. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 715
You deserved it 4 760

Same thing different taste


Give corporate a call. That's probably not company policy in any way/shape/form. If it ever happens again, call the store first to let them know you're coming in. Even with a receipt, the item still could have been stolen (bought it, stole another, get security tag off, return one etc) but unless they have proof you stole it, there's usually nothing they can do but take the tag off and let you leave with it.

Raise hell! Get the store manager on the phone. Explain how you were treated and that they owe you a dress. Between the security cameras, journal rolls and credit card info, they should be able to find the transaction with no problem. The salesperson was way out of line. Contact the corporate office an conplain. File a police report as soon as you can find your receipt. They had no proof you stole anything and took your dress. It's bullshit and you need to stand up for yourself!

gertrude7 9

Did you pay electronically with a debit or credit card? Then the purchase will show up in your statement. And if it's credit, you could always contest the charge before it goes through, especially if you no longer have the dress.

Stupid woman. Pretty sure if you stole it you wouldn't come walking back into the store with it. FYL.

Not true. I work retail and we get loads of people who steal tons of small, expensive things and then come in an "return" them for store credit. Judging by the serious meth mouth they have, we're funding their operation.

Have them check the cameras today and the day you purchased the item.

ecope1989 3

I would tell them to look at the cameras from when you bought it.

I dont think she means she left naked she probably brought the dress separate

Definitely the cashier's fault. She was supposed to remove the security tag in the first place!

I've worked plenty of retail jobs and not one of those positions was I able to access the security video footage. Head office would need to do that. Really, this is your fault as it is your responsibility to keep track of receipts. The sales clerk sounds as though she was rude, I would never accuse a person of stealing but I also wouldn't have helped without the receipt.