Dressed for success

By bitchsawmebuyit - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Yorktown Heights

Today, I realized the dress I bought yesterday still had the security tag on. I returned to the store to get it removed, only to realize I'd lost my receipt. The lady at the counter thought I stole it, called security, and had me escorted out, dress-less. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 715
You deserved it 4 760

Same thing different taste


ViviMage 38

I used to work at Macy's. we had a customer return label to rebuild the receipt for that one item, if you used our credit card we can see the item on your credit card, not just an amount, or pull up security cams for that register to see you buy it! Or you could cut the fabric off around the sensor! Sorry, I worked in retail, and I call bs.

ViviMage 38

Retract the charge on the credit card

afairshake 8

I would ask for camera footage which they should have and if need be call the police

Contact the head office, they should have a website and a way to take things higher than just the manager. Explain the story, your embarrassment, that they had no proof you stole the dress. The manager of the store will usually just shrug things like this off, but if you take it all the way to the company something does get done. LOOK FOR THE RECEIPT!! Obviously if you stole the dress you're not stupid enough to bring it back to the store. They embarrassed you, there should be some sort of compensation.

That happened to me once. My dad just pulled off the security tag though.

Pliers, tip for next time, those things don't really have ink in them, that's jus something parents tell us to scare us

giovonni 7

Does anyone else see it or no?? Didn't she have to walk out of the store when she bought the dress with the security tag on the dress? How did she get out of the predicament? Im not saying her story isn't true cause honestly with people nowadays in this world and the levels of stupidity they posses is just ridiculous. I just wanna know how she walked out of the store with the dress containing the security tag on it? And the dumb bitch also seen her buy the dress!

That's strange, because as a loss prevention detective at a department store, if you've stolen anything, you're never escorted off the property. Plus, LP isn't allowed to do anything unless they've watched you do it, and that's a general rule. I find this post oddly inaccurate.

You heard of a magnet, all they use is a strong magnet to remove the metal piece inside from the locked position. Does anyone think these days?