Easter surprise

By aprilfooled - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, for April Fools' day, my entire class decided to prank our religion teacher. During our daily meditation time, while his eyes were closed, we slowly got out of our seats and left the classroom. Two minutes later he opened his eyes, locked us out, and called the dean to give us all detention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 157
You deserved it 77 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you pick someone you know won't respond well to your joke? Do it with a care-free type of teacher who you know would just laugh it off.


rinaldy 0

#4 that's not quite what people believe God to be- what an ass u r- u think that u have the right to come on here and make fun of other people's religion because u r to superior to follow it there's a lot of stuff I don't believe but I don't just make fun of it, it's not my business to judge other people and neither is it yours... and by the way i don't believe in God either dunce

My History Class tried to do that but three people left and the teacher kept smacking their hand when they tried to open the door through the tiny window.

Powder85 0

FYL for having religion class. Hilarious joke though, my buddies did the same thing at his catholic high school, except the priest had narcolepsy and fell asleep all the time.

acidcat 0

That had to be worth it. It's a good joke, teacher just over-reacted.

LOL, fail. #4, dude, seriously... not cool to bash the guy for that. Especially since he just said 'religion' and actually I don't think Christians or Jews do meditation. Sounds more Buddhist or something, and Buddhists don't believe in "an invisible man" anyway.

Meditation time? Seriously? Anyway, you must have been REALLY quiet for him not to have noticed.

i april foolsed my religion teacher a few years ago when i was at school, i had the whole class turn the desks around to face the back and ignore everything he said. we all got detention.

nastynate 0

that's hilarious. Good for you