Easter surprise

By aprilfooled - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, for April Fools' day, my entire class decided to prank our religion teacher. During our daily meditation time, while his eyes were closed, we slowly got out of our seats and left the classroom. Two minutes later he opened his eyes, locked us out, and called the dean to give us all detention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 157
You deserved it 77 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you pick someone you know won't respond well to your joke? Do it with a care-free type of teacher who you know would just laugh it off.


=)) LOL well thts y wise men say dont play pranks on ur teacher

GogoTheGreat 12

I thought wise men say only fools rush in?

#4, I love you. Marry me? #17, FYI: Theravada Buddhists believe in a spirit. Mahayana Buddhists? Believe in a spirit. So while it may not EXACTLY be "an invisible man", they still believe in spirits. And, you know... last I checked, spirits were... you know, ethereal. OP: Awesome prank. Too bad your teacher didn't think it was funny.

just cuz your eyes are closed doesnt mean you are suddenly deaf. for sure he knew you guys were leaving and waited till you were all gone to bust your asses.

hahaha senior year of high school my calculus class did a similar thing, except since our building was overcrowded that particular class was in a trailer, we had climbed over a deck and jumped over a fence before we realized our teacher locked the door lol. those of us who had actually finished our assignment before sneaking away got off scot-free, but those who didn't got screwed when he let us back in hahaha

vt_mruhlin 0

"Daily meditation team"? You deserved it for going to a lame hippie school. Go learn math or something useful.

This teacher is an example of someone with no sense of humor. In high school, we would often climb in and out of windows to change classes, just because a few of us were scrawny enough to do it. We didn't even have the April Fools excuse. Brilliant plan, though.

You should have said God told you to do it.

YDI for taking a religion class. What an unbelievable waste of time and school resources.

@4 Because the OP has a religion class, he/she is still in high school, and it's most likely a private catholic school. In this case almost ALL of the teachers would be "uptight (and probably somewhat retarded) pricks", regardless of their subject matter. So the students chose the class in which they would be able to get away with the prank, ie. the class where the teacher closes his eyes. @29 Students in catholic high schools don't have a choice whether or not they want to take a religion class; it's forced upon them. And most don't choose to go to catholic school--their parents do. But OP, YDI. Did you really think you weren't going to get in trouble for insubordination/class disruption?