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By matte - 30/03/2009 12:16 - Australia

Today, whilst working at Subway, I took an order for 6 footlongs. The entire process took 15 minutes due to the customer's hesitant and glacial pace. When it came to paying, he pulled out his wallet, looked inside, looked at me, and walked quickly out of the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 93 555
You deserved it 4 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments


shinjuku 0

Being in the foodservice industry i can honestly say i don't think your boss would have minded you giving that guy a proper ass whipping

SOOOO, to clarify, i'm a senior at subway, i had to usage ajust the 6 breads, which tells the computer that our bread order was 6 breads short, i could not eat them because it is against my stores policy, i was also by myself in the store, and there were 2 people waiting behind him. i had dishes, preps and the retarder to do after an extremely busy football rush, so these 15 minutes were theoretically added onto the end of my shift. oh and the main thing i forgot to mention, was that it wasn't just 6 subs with tomato on one, tomato and cucumber on another and so on... he ordered the works,on all of them, which not only takes longer but makes it extremely difficult to close the sub at the end.FML !!!

zigzagflag 0

ah, yes, i have had this happen before. i loved working at Subway, dont get me wrong, but the crap that some customers gave the employees was messed up. i had a woman throw her phone at me, yelling "here! you deal with them!" when the people on the line that she was getting subs for couldnt decide what they wanted... yeah, i hung up the phone and told her to get to the end of the line, handed her a pen and paper and made her try again. she did go to the back of the line, and came back with a list, compete and legible. :) hang in there, its a good job, but people suck.

who cares? your still getting your minimum wage out of it.

i love it :D i've been working there for about 2 months now, and i'm already a senior and i got a 40% payrise :D i wouldn't swap it for any other job :D so for all of you people who are saying suck it up, i'm not exactly going to quite my job over a tiny annoyance, it was just a way of sharing... :D btw, what does "op" mean :P

Original Poster. they're referring to you

Oh gee - been there, done that - that sucks!

something tells me the glazed look was of fear... maybe it was an initiation of sorts while him and his gang buddies were high? idk.. waste of food, time, and effort for you.... waste of food, time and effort again...having to explain it to your manager. not such a waste if you got it on tape..because "if you got it on tape, you could get it in cashhH!!!" /quote AFV...

I agree with #54 and whoever else it was that said service industry jobs should be mandatory. You do get some real assholes at times. But seriously...the guy had to be embarassed the he didn't have the money. **** His Life.

ummm why would anyone choose "YDI"?? wth was he supposed to do? run after the guy? haha that sucks..

Amphysvena 11

according to some people, yes, apparently he was

I didn't on this one... but sometimes when I look at them and roll my eyes, I select YDI. (to mark that I read it...)