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By matte - 30/03/2009 12:16 - Australia

Today, whilst working at Subway, I took an order for 6 footlongs. The entire process took 15 minutes due to the customer's hesitant and glacial pace. When it came to paying, he pulled out his wallet, looked inside, looked at me, and walked quickly out of the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 93 555
You deserved it 4 922

Same thing different taste

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Today, I go into subway (the sandwich store) and order 6 footlongs. And the order takes whole 15 min. to go through, which is OK, but I feel uncomfortable for bothering workers that much, so I think I'll leave a nice tip. Time comes to pay and I realize my wallet is empty. FML

hhaha. now i know what i'm doing next time i'm at subway!

LOL! man i thought you would of gotten to eat that subway :( i know last time when some guy dropped a whole crate of icecream at the woolies store i work at, we all took home 4+ tubs of icecream each :]

I want a job at Subway, even if I have to deal with this. But none of the Subways around me are hiring :( Still, hope you had some use to those sandwiches other than trashing them.

qkzp 0

#48 I am so with you on the horrors of the $5 footlong promotion... I worked there for two years, and the day I left may be on the list of the best days of my life... especially because of the $5 footlongs. OP, I am so sorry to hear about this jerk. We technically weren't supposed to accept tips, but we did anyway, and if someone ordered more than 5 sandwiches, we usually got ticked if they didn't tip... for them to do that and not even pay is a dick move.

#54... I would vote for you. I know I used to be a pain when I'd order food, either mumbling or taking too long to order. I know better after working at a deli, a coffee shop, and a bakery.

Fab_fml 0

See, I can't help but think the worse FML is the one that would go; "Today, I had to go to Subway to order 6 footlongs. I spent a lot of time on the order, worried I was going to make a mistake, and felt bad for taking up so much time. When it came time to pay, I discovered my wallet was empty, and I was so embarrassed I ended up leaving without a word. FML."

bioclock 0

God, I hate customers like that. I work at a chocolate shop, where people can select which pieces of chocolate they want in their boxes, and sometimes they take absolutely forever. It's so much worse when there's a line of people waiting to be helped, and only one person is available to work the counter, because we sometimes lose customers due to the time they have to wait. So to anyone saying, "Bawwww, you had to work for 15 minutes!", take into account that they're going to lose money for the footlongs they just made, that they have wasted ingredients, AND that the time this guy wasted on making the subs could have been spent helping other customers who were actually going to pay.

eeee93757 0

ROTFLLMFAO but seriously that sucks, that's why I'm never working for fast food

Wait, he didn't take the sandwichs did he? If so that's mean, but if not it is still mean but i think he totally did that on purpose lmaoooo