
By Anonymous - 08/05/2014 03:57 - United States - State College

Today, while at work as a telemarketer, I called a customer on his home phone. Once I was connected, an automated voice said, "To speak with a customer, please press 1." Confused, I pressed one. I then heard loud laughter followed by, "Oh my god! What a dumbass!" before they hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 295
You deserved it 23 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Redoxx_fml 22

That's some brilliant role reversal on their part


Well that's just plain awesomeness.


Thank you for telling us the best way to annoy telemarketers. I do feel sorry for you for having such a rubbish job and being a phone jehovah's witness.

Wow... That was a very prejudice statement about Jehovah's Witness. At least have the decency to use proper capitalization

bobsanction 18

YDI for being a telemarketer.

They have to make a living, too. Don't be such a jerk.

I was a telemarketer too, and I loved things like that because it was something different for a change and made the job less boring.

elizacandle 29

I agree your life sucks because you're a telemarketer.

an3ph 20

While I have your attention, allow me to interrupt your day to tell you about something for which you have no use, but which I'm hoping to sell to you anyway.

Change jobs please. Telemarketers are the most annoying people in the world /:

YDI. Get an honest job, not one harassing people.