Grandma rocks!

By Anonymous - 20/04/2014 21:38 - Slovenia - Domzale

Today, I decided to be nice and pay a visit to my grandma. We ended up playing Scrabble. In between passing wind that smelled like rotting eggs, she kept playing the filthiest words she could, and yelled at me whenever I checked to see if they were in the Scrabble dictionary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 480
You deserved it 5 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time you to play scrabble, have a meal with beans and eggs. Fight fire with fire.


beaverteaser 16

smells like she was in it to win

*Leans in close to grandma* inhales deeply through nose,"you are in it to win"

olpally 32

Good seeing ya grandma! Bye! Hope you walked away. Blah!

Grandma, there is a difference between fist bump and fisting.

oddities 20

Sadly, this FML grandma sounds like my paternal grandma. I can relate to way too many FMLs.

Your grandma is awesome. Who cares if they are in the scrabble dictionary. obviously she was just having fun. I'm giving you a ydi for not being able to enjoy having fun with your awesome grandmother.

I like spending time with my grandma she is nice :P

FML Grannies rule! So going to grow old disgracefully... Rock on FML Grannies!!

oddities 20

They're fun unless you have one. Then it's terrible.

BubbleGrunge 18

It's terrible to have a grandma, #25?

oddities 20

#35, well, some grandmas … But I digress. I meant one that's FML material. Is that now clear enough for you? I don't particularly feel up to elaborating further so, I'll cross my fingers.

sounds like the start of a febreeze commercial